Am 5. und 6. July findet das PPI Generell Assembly statt.
Title: One Chair, one vice-Chair
Sponsor: Pirate Party of Germany (PPDE)
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Change the wording of Paragraph XXII section (3) and (4) as following:
XXII. Board
(3) The Board is composed of:
a) one Chairperson,
b) one Vice-Chairperson,
c) five Board Members
(4) The Board elects among the Board Members
a) a Treasurer and
b) a Chief of Administration
c) a Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson if the seat became vacant
No Board Member shall fulfil more than one office.
Current wording:
XXII. Board
(3) The Board is composed of:
a) two Co-Chairmen,
b) five Board Members
(4) The Board elects among the Board Members
a) a Treasurer and
b) a Chief of Administration
No Board Member shall fulfil more than one office.
Out of living practice among the PPI board there had had been no positive outcome from having two chairs. On the contrary the situation that two co-chairs have shared responsibilities have led sometimes to conflict situation, where any responsible action was avoided. A living and vital leadership is necessary to have a working board.
From the experience from last year some regulation has to be found if a Chair becomes vacant.