Am 5. und 6. July findet das PPI Generell Assembly statt.
Title:Supportive Membership
Sponsor:Pirate Party of Germany (PPDE)
member of Pirate Party:
Contact data:
to ammend paragraph III as following:
(4) The General Assembly is authorized to grant, at its own discretion, the applicant one of the following Member status in Pirate Parties International
a) Ordinary Member
b) Observer Member
c) Supporting Member
To include a new paragraph V.a after the current paragraph V with following wording:
V. a. Supporting Member
(1) Individuals and other organizations who care to actively support Pirate Parties International can become Supporting Member.
(2) Supporting Members shall be entitled to attend the General Assembly as non-voting participant. They shall not be entitled to vote unless they are appointed as delegates by a member organisation.
(3) The minimum annual subscription for Supporting Members shall be fixed by the Board.
(4) No Supporting member shall be accepted against the objections of an Ordinary Member of the country of applicants residence or of the Board of Pirate Parties International. In the case that no Ordinary Member exists in the country of applicants residence, admission is decided directly by the Board of Pirate Parties International. Details of the application and admission process shall be regulated in the Rules of Procedures of the Board.
(5) Member Parties are encouraged to solicit PPI supporting membership during their own regular campaigns. To change the wording of the Paragraph VIII as following:
The Board keeps a Membership register at the PPI Headquarters of Pirate Parties International. This register lists the name, legal form, address of the registered office, identity of the representative and, where applicable, the registration number in accordance with existing legislation and regulations. All Members may consult the register of organizations at the registered office of the PPI Headquarters. "
Current wording:
(4) The General Assembly is authorized to grant, at its own discretion, the applicant one of the following Member status in Pirate Parties International
a) Ordinary Member
b) Observer Member
V. a.
Does not yet exist.
All Members may consult this register at the registered office of the PPI Headquarters.
The Board keeps a Membership register at the PPI Headquarters of Pirate Parties International. This register lists the name, legal form, address of the registered office, identity of the representative and, where applicable, the registration number in accordance with existing legislation and regulations. All Members may consult this register at the registered office of the PPI Headquarters.
As decided at the online GA 2015:
"The PPI General Assembly should consider the inclusion of individuals and individual organizations as supporter members of PPI.
Individual ‘Global Pirate Membership’ from supporters. PPI should cultivate a global identity amongst Pirate supporters by soliciting individual membership fees equivalent to €10 per year. Member Parties should solicit PPI supporter membership during their own regular campaigns."
We were due to deliver a SAP to get individual people and other organisations involved.
We still think this this to be a good idea to get even more people involved in the work up front. Even a financial contribution - if so decided by the GA - will help PPI in its actual work.