Am 5. und 6. July findet das PPI Generell Assembly statt.
Title: Admittance of Members
Sponsor: Pirate Party of Germany (PPDE)
member of Pirate Party
Contact data
Delete: "b) use the inflection of the word Pirate in their name," and change into:
IV. Ordinary Members
(1) The Ordinary Members are the founding Members and those accepted by the General Assembly according to section III, paragraph (4). To Ordinary Membership are eligible Members that
a) adhere to these statutes and the goals of the association as laid down by these statutes, and
b) have an inner order based on democratic principles.
Current wording:
IV. Ordinary Members
(1) The Ordinary Members are the founding Members and those accepted by the General Assembly according to section III, paragraph (4). To Ordinary Membership are eligible Members that
a) adhere to these statutes and the goals of the association as laid down by these statutes,
b) use the inflection of the word Pirate in their name, and
c) have an inner order based on democratic principles.
The sad reality has shown that some parties have trouble being registered with the name Pirates. So it had happened in the past with the Pirate Party of Russia 1 and also the Pirate Party of Taiwan 2. There should be a way for such Parties that are "Pirate Parties by heart" to join as ordinary members of the Pirate Parties International without the need of bearing the "pirate" in their name. More important than the self inflicted label "Pirate Party" is the political compatibility of the applicants. Therefore we should and must examine such candidates with all scrutiny.
1 https://torrentfreak.com/russia-orders-pirate-party-to-drop-pirate-from-its-name-140107/
2 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/02/27/2003526490